Saturday, 27 July 2013

How To Be An Achiever

Ibeekay On Duty: Motivator’s Corner
ART 001
In Physics, it’s common to carry out an experiment with a converging lens where the lens is held under the sun and a sheet of paper is placed a few distance away from the lens. If that set up is left for some time, the paper soon gets burnt or is set ablaze. Now what happens is, the rays of the sun are brought to focus by the converging lens on the sheet of paper. The heat generated by the sun’s rays on that spot becomes so much for the paper that it gets burnt. In life, becoming an achiever also follows the same principle: the principle of focus.
You see, all of the sun’s energy was brought to focus on one spot on that paper and when that happened the paper got burnt. (Think about it) So also, when you learn to focus all your mental and physical energy on one task at a time, what happens to that task is that it gets done and you become an achiever. Even our Lord Jesus laid out this principle when He said:
‘The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light’ (Matt 6:22).
Whatever gets to your brain must first pass through your eyes (or any of the other senses).  So if you focus on a thing at a time, you’ll achieve it and you keep doing this(doing one at a time) till all the tasks are completed. This underlies the principle of focus. When this principle is applied in everyday life and whatever you do, you’ll become an achiever and your success story will become so outstanding.
Here is the key: focus on and do one task at a time, completing it before moving to the next. Combining more than one task at a time will do at least wo things for you: one, it’ll make you disorganized, both in your mind and work and two, every task will be uncompleted and left that way for a long time. Of course one can't achieve if this be the case.
Always  remember the man focusing on, trying to jump in on and catch two Rabbits at a time; he will end up catching none. So friend get wisdom, it’s a simple principle of life, which when applied will make you an achiever.
Contacts: +2348169324760.
You Can. You Can Achieve. Believe In Yourself.

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